Bills Authored by Stan Gerdes
This is the list of bills authored by Stan Gerdes as of February 23, 2025. He has not sponsored or co-sponsored any bills. None of these have been assigned to committees. Only bills honoring counties in his district have been “enrolled” (finally passed). Click the bill number and then, once there, click the text tab to read the bill. It can be opened or downloaded as a PDF, HTML, or MS Word. You can comment on these bills by messaging Stan Gerdes from his official website .
Number of Bills: 50 Report Sections: Author (46) Coauthor (2) :
HB 1335 Author: Gerdes Last Action: 11/14/2024 H Filed Caption: Relating to underground facility safety.
HB 1431 Author: Gerdes Last Action: 11/20/2024 H Filed Caption: Relating to the prohibited manufacture, processing, possession, distribution, offer for sale, and sale of cell-cultured protein.
HB 1521 Author: Gerdes Last Action: 12/04/2024 H Filed Caption: Relating to the implementation of diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives by certain governmental entities.
HB 1522 Author: Gerdes Last Action: 12/04/2024 H Filed Caption: Relating to notice of a meeting held under the open meetings law.
HB 1523 Author: Gerdes Last Action: 12/05/2024 H Filed Caption: Relating to a prohibition on the authorization by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality of the use of a Class V injection well for certain aquifer storage and recovery projects.
HB 1589 Author: Gerdes Last Action: 12/11/2024 H Filed Caption: Relating to requiring voter approval for the construction of a new toll project by a toll project entity.
HB 1633 Author: Gerdes Last Action: 12/16/2024 H Filed Caption: Relating to the criteria considered by groundwater conservation districts before granting or denying a permit or permit amendment.
HB 1668 Author: Gerdes Last Action: 12/18/2024 H Filed Caption: Relating to increasing the criminal penalty for the offense of enticing a child and to the applicability of sex offender registration requirements to that offense.
HB 1689 Author: Gerdes Last Action: 12/20/2024 H Filed Caption: Relating to the use of certain groundwater export fees collected by a groundwater conservation district.
HB 1690 Author: Gerdes Last Action: 12/20/2024 H Filed Caption: Relating to an application for a permit for the transfer of groundwater out of a groundwater conservation district.
HB 1789 Author: Gerdes Last Action: 01/08/2025 H Filed Caption: Relating to enhancing the criminal penalty for the offense of intoxication manslaughter in certain circumstances.
HB 1832 Author: Gerdes Last Action: 01/14/2025 H Filed Caption: Relating to the punishment for certain criminal offenses involving illegal entry into or illegal presence in this state by a person who is an alien; increasing criminal penalties.
HB 1928 Author: Gerdes Last Action: 01/16/2025 H Filed Caption: Relating to the payment of certain costs associated with certain assignments of a statutory probate court judge.
HB 2017 Author: Gerdes Last Action: 01/22/2025 H Filed Caption: Relating to increasing the minimum term of imprisonment and changing the eligibility for community supervision, mandatory supervision, and parole for certain persons convicted of intoxication manslaughter.
HB 2034 Author: Gerdes Last Action: 01/23/2025 H Filed Caption: Relating to the issuance of groundwater permits to certain aliens or foreign entities.
HB 2077 Author: Gerdes Last Action: 01/24/2025 H Filed Caption: Relating to persons eligible to appeal the desired future conditions adopted by a groundwater conservation district.
HB 2078 Author: Gerdes Last Action: 01/24/2025 H Filed Caption: Relating to the joint planning of desired future conditions in groundwater management areas.
HB 2080 Author: Gerdes Last Action: 01/24/2025 H Filed Caption: Relating to the review of the duties of a groundwater conservation district by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.
HB 2302 Author: Gerdes Last Action: 01/31/2025 H Filed Caption: Relating to the definition of a rural political subdivision for purposes of the Texas Water Assistance Program.
HCR 40 Author: Gerdes Last Action: 01/08/2025 H Filed Caption: Urging Congress to reimburse the State of Texas for border security costs incurred under Operation Lone Star.
HB 2316 Author: Gerdes Last Action: 01/31/2025 H Filed Caption: Relating to the manner of reporting results in the conduct of elections.
HB 2499 Author: Gerdes Last Action: 02/05/2025 H Filed Caption: Relating to placement on the minimum salary schedule for certain public school employees.
HB 2545 Author: Gerdes Last Action: 02/06/2025 H Filed Caption: Relating to the establishment of the Rural Workforce Training Grant Program.
HB 2605 Author: Gerdes Last Action: 02/10/2025 H Filed Caption: Relating to water losses reported by certain municipally owned utilities to the Texas Water Development Board; authorizing administrative penalties.
HB 2815 Author: Gerdes Last Action: 02/13/2025 H Filed Caption: Relating to the financing of water supply projects included in the state water plan; authorizing the issuance of obligations.
HB 2876 Author: Gerdes Last Action: 02/14/2025 H Filed Caption: Relating to the amendment of an existing comprehensive development agreement for a portion of State Highway 130 to facilitate nontolled transportation projects.
HB 2885 Author: Gerdes Last Action: 02/14/2025 H Filed Caption: Relating to allowing the governing bodies of certain political subdivisions to call for a local option election relating to the sale of alcoholic beverages.
HB 2955 Author: Gerdes Last Action: 02/18/2025 H Filed Caption: Relating to prohibiting the purchase of candy and soft drinks under the supplemental nutrition assistance program.
HB 3045 Author: Gerdes Last Action: 02/19/2025 H Filed Caption: Relating to a franchise tax exemption for corporations operating a spaceport for certain national defense purposes.
HB 3092 Author: Gerdes Last Action: 02/20/2025 H Filed Caption: Relating to a certificate of public convenience and necessity to construct an electric transmission line.
HB 3099 Author: Gerdes Last Action: 02/20/2025 H Filed Caption: Relating to adult high school charter program funding.
HB 3227 Author: Gerdes Last Action: 02/24/2025 H Filed Caption: Relating to the removal, relocation, alteration, or construction of certain monuments or memorials located on public property; authorizing a civil penalty.
HB 3350 Author: Gerdes Last Action: 02/25/2025 H Filed Caption: Relating to vacancies on the board of directors of the Lost Pines Groundwater Conservation District.
HB 3368 Author: Gerdes Last Action: 02/26/2025 H Filed Caption: Relating to the repeal of wheelbase and horsepower restrictions for the state’s passenger vehicle fleet.
HB 3422 Author: Gerdes Last Action: 02/26/2025 H Filed Caption: Relating to the removal of battery energy storage facilities.
HB 3433 Author: Gerdes Last Action: 02/26/2025 H Filed Caption: Relating to fees assessed by the Lost Pines Groundwater Conservation District.
HB 3444 Author: Gerdes Last Action: 02/26/2025 H Filed Caption: Relating to appointment of the members of the early voting ballot board.
HB 3500 Author: Gerdes Last Action: 02/27/2025 H Filed Caption: Relating to the authority of certain municipalities to receive and pledge for the payment of obligations certain additional tax revenue derived from a hotel and convention center project.
HB 3821 Author: Gerdes Last Action: 03/05/2025 H Filed Caption: Relating to the implementation of a veteran discount program for the use of certain toll projects.
HB 3906 Author: Gerdes Last Action: 03/06/2025 H Filed Caption: Relating to the authority of certain counties to regulate noise levels in residential areas; creating a criminal offense.
HB 3908 Author: Gerdes Last Action: 03/06/2025 H Filed Caption: Relating to the violation of the restrictions, bylaws, or rules of a property owners’ association.
HB 4086 Author: Gerdes Last Action: 03/07/2025 H Filed Caption: Relating to the regulation of composting facilities by certain counties.
HCR 40 Author: Gerdes Last Action: 03/05/2025 H Referred to Homeland Security, Public Safety & Veterans’ Affairs: Mar 5 2025 11:46AM Caption: Urging Congress to reimburse the State of Texas for border security costs incurred under Operation Lone Star.
HJR 175 Author: Gerdes Last Action: 03/07/2025 H Filed Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment relating to the right to own, hold, and use a mutually agreed upon medium of exchange.
HR 214 Author: Gerdes Last Action: 02/11/2025 H Reported enrolled: Feb 11 2025 5:07PM Caption: Recognizing February 11, 2025, as Bastrop County Day at the State Capitol.
HR 270 Author: Gerdes Last Action: 02/18/2025 H Reported enrolled: Feb 18 2025 5:58PM Caption: Recognizing February 18, 2025, as Lee County Day at the State Capitol.
HR 345 Author: Gerdes Last Action: 02/21/2025 H Filed Caption: Recognizing February 26, 2025, as Caldwell County Day at the State Capitol.
Joint Author (2) :
HB 796 Author: Bell, Cecil | Spiller | Gerdes Last Action: 11/12/2024 H Filed Caption: Relating to the Texas Sovereignty Act.
HJR 98 Author: Vasut | Hefner | Metcalf Coauthor: Alders | Ashby | Barry | Bell, Cecil | Bonnen | … | Frank | Gerdes | Guillen | Harris | … Last Action: 11/18/2024 H Filed Caption: Applying to the Congress of the United States to call a convention under Article V of the United States Constitution for the limited purpose of proposing one or more amendments to the constitution to impose fiscal restraints on the federal government, to limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, and to limit the terms of office of federal officials and members of Congress.
HB 911 Author: Cain | Gerdes | Slawson | Schofield | Harris Last Action: 03/06/2025 H Referred to Delivery of Government Efficiency: Mar 6 2025 11:42AM Caption: Relating to the designation of Celebration of Life Day as a state holiday.
HB 3211 Author: Dean | Gerdes Last Action: 02/24/2025 H Filed Caption: Relating to the participation of optometrists and therapeutic optometrists in managed care plans providing vision benefits.
HB 3371 Author: Metcalf | Gerdes Last Action: 02/26/2025 H Filed Caption: Relating to the recovery of certain state border security expenditures from the federal government.