There is a lot of discussion around RPT Rule 44 regarding censurable acts by elected officials. In December, the Bastrop County Republican Party passed a resolution directed at HD17 Rep Stan Gerdes as he had refused to agree to support GOP Caucus choice for chair, David Cook. It laid out what actions in the opening sessions would be viewed as censurable.
A County or District Executive Committee may, after no less than seven (7) days’ notice and invitation to the Officeholder to appear and be provided time to speak before a County or District Executive Committee, by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of those constituent Executive Committee Precinct Chairs present and voting, but in no case by less than a majority of the County Executive Committee (CEC) in full, adopt a resolution censuring a Republican public Officeholder representing all or a portion of that County or District for three (3) or more actions taken during the Officeholder’s current term in opposition to the core principles of the Republican Party of Texas defined in the Preamble of the Party Platform as described in Rule No. 43A or to the Legislative Priorities adopted at the most recent State Convention as described in Rule No. 34(c).
So what is the Preamble of the Party Platform, and what are the Legislative Priorities that apply to censure during this legislative session?
PREAMBLE: Affirming our belief in God, we still hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. Throughout the world, people dare to dream of freedom and opportunity. The Republican Party of Texas unequivocally defends that dream. We strive to preserve the freedom given to us by God, implemented by our Founding Fathers, and embodied in the Constitution. We recognize that human nature is immutable. We further recognize that the traditional family is the strength of our nation. It is our solemn duty to protect innocent life and develop responsible citizens. We understand that our economic success depends upon free market principles. If we fail to maintain our sovereignty, we risk losing the freedom to live these ideals.
LEGISLATIVE PRIORITIES: (For details on each topic, visit this link: https://texasgop.org/official-documents/#lps
- Border Enforcement
- Secure Texas Elections
- Stop Sexualizing Texas’ Kids
- No Democrat Chairs
- Ban Taxpayer Funded Lobbying
- Secure the Electric Grid
- Texas Is Not For Sale
- End Federal Overreach
At this point, it appears that Stan Gerdes has committed a censurable act in not supporting the GOP Caucus choice for TX House Speaker. Instead, Gerdes joined with the Democrats in supporting Dustin Burrows.
Secondly, Stan Gerdes voted for Democrat chairs of committees when he voted for the House Rules package. That package created twelve new “Standing Permanent Subcommittees” and on February 13, 2025, Dustin Burrows appointed six Democrats as chairs of those committees. Because the House Rules package gives the Speaker the right to send bills directly to those subcommittees, thus giving the subcommittees the right to kill bills, we view that vote as censurable.
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